Risk Management & Insurance Planning

Help Secure Your Wealth with a Risk Management and Insurance Plan

Risk management and insurance planning is about keeping what you have and providing security to yourself and those you care about. While many people like to solely focus on retirement and investment planning, we feel that a responsible plan also addresses things that could go wrong. This is an area where diligence and a thorough process are key. While we do not place insurance products for our clients, having conversations around your family needs in the event of death, disability, loss of independence, gaps in medical insurance coverage, litigation or property loss is an important area that should not be ignored.

Your Risk Management and Insurance Plan Will Help You Answer:

  • Have I articulated a life insurance philosophy?
  • What are the income or liquidity needs of my survivors in the event of death?
  • Are existing insurance products and financial assets appropriate and adequate to fund survivor needs?
  • How much income is required to cover expenses in the event of a long-term disability and are resources available to cover them?
  • What are my exposures regarding risks of large losses from medical, long-term care, property/casualty and personal or professional liability issues?
  • Have I chosen the appropriate benefit options in employer benefit plans?
  • Am I prepared for health insurance needs in retirement and evaluated Medicare and supplements?
  • Are you concerned about medical insurance coverage in the event of a job change? 
TandemGrowth Financial Advisors

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